VeMMA Work From Home Biz  
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VeMMA 5 basic Principles:
1. Do not sell products
2. Do not convince
3. Do not hoard products
4. 100% work at home
5. Making passive income

Strongly Recommended by:
Bob Proctor (Secret)
Robert T. Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad)

V Vitamins
E Essential
A Aloe

Earning Tools

1. VeMMA Builder  (VB) System

VeMMA Builder is a system which will help you to manage your members and follow up them automatically. It is convenient to let VeMMA Builder to run your business.  While you can save more times doing other things.

2. Skype

Skype is a freeware which allows people connect each other online for FREE. In VeMMA, we use Skype to follow up members, to contact with partners and update latest news of VeMMA. Skype also allows us to share our computer platform, thus we can coach and learn online conveniently. 

Please use same version of Skype to ensure we possess the same functions and correct synchronization .

Click to download: Skype Version

 3. EDM

EDM is Electronic Direct Message. A good EDM will state key features of your business clearly and attract people who is interested in your business. There are 3 objectives: 

1. Convey key features of your business. 
2. Filter people who are not your target. 
3. Let people who are interested sign up as a pre-enroller.

EDM should not include....

1. Keywords such as "Vemma", "Verse", etc.
2. Picture of VeMMA products.
3. Hollywood stars and sport team who are VeMMA user.

We should not advertising VeMMA. We should advertising our own business. VeMMA Company will take action if someone violated the rights of company or others. On the other hand, if someone knows this is a VeMMA business opportunity, he/she will search for other website related and sign up under others website. 

4. Blog

A blog is a tool to note down important events or happenings. It is also a tool for sharing purpose. A good blog should be simple, creative and fun. A blog makes you unique from your brand partners. There are objectives: 
1. Express who you are. 
2. Provide informations about VeMMA. 
3. Record important events happening, e.g. your promotion. 
4. Guild people to their next step. 
5. Solve questions people frequently asked (automatized your business) . 

There are many Blogging platform which is familiar, namely Blogger, WordPress, MSN Spaces, TypePad and more. Choose one you familiar with and star blogging. If you have no idea about blogging, please contact your sponsor.

5 basic blog's categories... 

1. My Dream Life / My future Plan
Talk about your financial plan or future life. It can attract people with same dream.

2. Work From Home Business Opportunity
Provide details about VeMMA business opportunity to catch other peoples' eyes if they visit your blog.

3. VeMMA's Diary
Record how you run your business and note down important events happened. 

4. VeMMA Company & Products
Details about VeMMA Company and record the effects and feeling while you using Vemma. 

5. F.A.Q. 
Collect some questions which people asked frequently and list on this section.